Dot da da Taa! Drumroll please! I'd like to introduce you to Sunny, Pet of the Week. This is an honor that only the extremely available can hope to achieve. Every week the advertising booklet published by my employer includes a photo of someone's pet. Sometimes people bring their dogs or cats or other more unusual animals in to have their picture taken, or just bring in photos they already have. We feature these pictures as Pet of the Week. Occasionally the pet well runs a little dry and my colleague Joe (who lays out the rag) starts begging for input. Here is my attempt to keep up the quality of Pet of the Week. Pretty cute, huh? Sunny is a Welsh corgi, the tailless kind. She is eleven and a half, but keeping pretty spry and playful. Corgis are regular dogs, just low riders. They are complete characters and very cheerful company. Check out Alicia's blog for a totally corgi-ful entry I really enjoyed.