I have been thinking about places. My parents recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary and at the party I gave an overview of those years, since I'm the oldest and have been around for most of them. I found that the best way to organize my memories was around the town we come from and the houses we lived in. So I've been revisiting the places of my past in my mind and have wondered at the power of a place to influence perceptions and feelings...or do perceptions and feelings create that power? It's got to be both of course, since its so hard to separate one's inner life and outward actions, but I have always been susceptible to my surroundings and I do think every place projects itself on the events that happen there. Locations seem to me to have their own sensibility, formed from their physical attributes like topography and weather, and from the things that have happened there on scales large and small. When I review all the places I have lived, some have had much more impact than others, and it isn't necessarily related to how long I was there. I could talk about the spirit of a place and make sense to myself because everything participates in the energy of existence. I have been fortunate to live in regions with strong spirit and great beauty, and in some houses and neighborhoods with character and charm. I have also occupied some spiritless spaces, and I always find I am less myself in them. I feel a strong need to make changes in my surroundings if I don't find them congenial. I'm sure I'm not alone in this; the home decor business must be based on the common need to draw one's space close about. In fact, I think many people want to interact with their surroundings and can indeed take action to increase the spirit of their place.