This is the third Christmas we have celebrated in our new house. Every year we have put the tree in a different place. In the first year we bought a huge 10 foot tree, bigger than any we have ever had, and put it in the tall front window. That was a monster to set up and decorate, so in the second year we bought a more manageable six foot tree and put it next to the fireplace. This year Mike's comfy armchair is planted firmly before the fire, so we are trying a third alternative, the doorway between the living room and the study. Its working out well so far, and is more visible from more places in the house than the other locations. The presence of a Christmas tree is so homey and welcoming in a room; I never get tired of the lovely evergreen smell either. We've got the sixties Christmas records on the stereo and hot chocolate in hand so we are well fortified against the deep dark of this winter solstice. We pause, rejoicing in the warmth of our shelter and the pleasure of each other's company, waiting for the world to turn back toward the light. I hope the season brings much love and joy to everyone. Merry Christmas!