This picture is from last spring when I was making oval undercloths for Lynne's table. Now everything I made for Lynne is finished and ironed. I'm trying to gather the other bits and centerpieces to pull the tables together. That has proved more difficult than I was hoping. Why is it so hard to find something specific when you shop? Wander blithely through a store with nothing in mind and stuff calls from every shelf. Go in for something you know you have seen somewhere and it is nowhere to be found. One item I need is a couple of small brass candleholders. I can see them sitting on the shelf of some low end import store...I know I have seen them there, but not anymore. Nothing is made of brass these days.
Its not just the last minute details that are slowing me down. I can feel the fear of failure clinging to me like concrete. I've worked for a long time on this stuff and now I have to bring it together...and then document it. In someone else's house. With them watching me. There is always this final struggle to finish and present something and it is never clean and easy, but with my graphic design jobs I usually have an outside deadline that cuts through the inner hand-wringing and makes me (at last) just get it done. This time the whole project is self-regulated, so I can dawdle as long as I want. Uh-oh.