I sewed the rusty straps onto my winter cloth (luckily I found three more when we moved the scrap wood pile) and rolled in from both outside edges toward the center. Then I stood the double roll in the pomegranate/myrobalan bath and brought the heat up twice (once to 160F and once to 180F, holding for at least an hour and then cooling overnight each time.) I think I rolled too tightly because the dye barely penetrated the inside of the rolls. The wicking action of what dye did get through is disappointing. This is what I was afraid of when I did the previous tests on the wider cloth, but I thought it would be okay. The cloth is back in the alum acetate mordant while I figure out how I want to re-fold and re-dye. Although pom adheres without mordant, I thought it would be good to give it all the encouragement I could offer and for this first dye I let the alum acetate cure on the cloth for a week. The next round won't be so careful because I don't want the dye to mold before I get the cloth back in. I used a lot of dye that I don't want to waste. I'll let you know.