Once I got done dipping Mo's pennant in indigo (I darkened the top and the bottom) I was very impatient to get the wax off and see what happened underneath. Wax removal is a royal pain, but now its out and we can all have a look. Overall, I'm pleased. The wax did allow a little blue to penetrate on the moon and the fish, but not as much as I feared. The white elements stand out well and the colors on the leaves and the purple hearts can now be seen. There is a difference between the leaves of the "tree" and the "ground" but not as clear as I was hoping. I am thinking of hitting the leaves with a little fabric paint, and maybe bring up the purple hearts on the bottom too. Standing back from the whole thing now I think the bird is a little clumsy compared to the fish and the moon and I am wondering if I can improve it with embroidery. Must experiment. I am also planning a backing and am thinking of how that might work.