Both of my sisters have birthdays in August and we usually get together to celebrate. This year it was at my house so once again I went to my linen closet to decide how to set the table. I found myself reluctant to iron a big tablecloth and considered several squares, which are easier to press, but wasn't excited about any of them. When I found the blue and green kantha stitched runner I thought the color scheme was appropriate for water flecked with turquoise and deep green trees.... Using the runner meant I had to have an undercloth, so I ended up ironing anyway....might as well have just accepted it from the start. It wasn't too bad, actually. The medium weight linen I made it from is easier to handle than the heavier weight fabric I have been using for Lisa's table lately. I might go back to using the medium exclusively.
Since it was a casual lunch I decided against using candles and wondered what else I could add for interest. Checking through my accessories yielded the little green bowls, the tumbled glass bits and the dull green napkin holders. I got the napkin rings years ago almost for free at a close-out sale, but have never had a use for them until now. Yay! I used my everyday Fiesta turquoise plates, but the biggest find in the china cupboard was the blue bird tray. I thought one of my sisters had given it to me, but they both disavowed any knowledge. Wherever it came from, it added a real lift to the very simple table.
We had an excellent birthday celebration for the Summer Sisters, may there be many more.